Hi, I'm Günter, a Results-Driven Data Professional

I help organisations leverage their data to improve their performance

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As an experienced data, technology, and business consultant, I am deeply passionate about helping organisations transform and grow. I have honed my skills over the years and developed a unique expertise in using data and technology to drive positive change and growth within organisations, helping them achieve their strategic objectives. My approach to transformation is centered around people-focused principles. I strongly believe that the success of any transformation effort lies in engaging and empowering an organisation’s people.

Fit or Not?

There is a fairly well known anecdote that describes how people tend to get promoted until they reach their level of incompetence. This appears particularly true in the public sector or government. One needs only consider the likes of Gordon Brown or George Bush (pick...

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Hitchcock in the Workplace

There have been a few people that I have worked with during my career that I have not been able to 'place' - by this I mean, understand what drives and motivates them, what their goals are, their lack of conscience, and more importantly, how they manage to remain so...

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